Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm Not Asking This To Be a Wise Guy

I'm really not.

But, why is Black History Month in February when we have a three day weekend for Martin Luther King Jr.? Shouldn't it be in January?

Just curious.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union

So, the Anointed One has commandeered the television for the annual "Nancy Jump Up" show. Apparently, one of the things he's going to call for is repeal of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Well, that's actually pretty much okay with me, despite the fact that I wouldn't trust the guy if he told me that the sun rose in the east.
Having spent the better part of my adult life in the military, I gotta tell you, I could give a flying crap who somebody chooses as their dance partner. As long as I didn't see two guys sucking face in the chow line (or a guy and a girl, for that matter) I personally didn't care. Now, if two GIRLS were sucking face, I might have to take my time going through the rice and pasta pasta line because then we'd have a different story (is THAT misogynist, male-pig enough for you?).
I just don't want to hear about it. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy always struck me as something an ostrich would do.
I would much rather we had a "Just Shut Up Already" policy.
Still, if BHO is for something, I'm thinking I'm suspicious.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hey, Here's a Lie I Like

During his first State of the Union Address, the Idiot-in-Chief said that GITMO will be closed in a year. Hmm, last I checked, the jihadist murderers were still being held in the paradise which is Cuba. Hope and change you can believe in.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

On the White House Christmas Tree

Or Holiday Tree. Or whatever the frig they're calling it. I'd be very happy to hear someone justify the President of the United States hanging an ornament which displays the face of a mass murderer on his Christmas Tree. Ho, ho, ho.