Monday, March 8, 2010

Say It Ain't So, Joe

I just saw another one of those asinine commercials from that pantload, Congressman Joe Kennedy. In it he urges gratitude for our "friends in Venezuela" for helping with heating oil. Never mind that that South American country is run by a thug who accuses the American president of being a devil and touts the wonders of Fidel Castro's Cuban Disneyland.

To those who insist that Chavez is a saint who only wants to help and accuse those doubters (like me) as being xenophobic haters, I'm reminded of that old cartoon with Daffy Duck and Tom Turkey. Sure, the kindly farmer wants to make life a wonderland for the hapless turkey who stuffs his face with all sorts of goodies and enjoys a regular barnyard "la vida loca." Even Daffy gets in on that action and gobbles everything laid before him.

It's only at the end when the two of them realize that the farmer is only lulling them into an engorged haze before lopping off their heads do they realize that maybe he doesn't have their best interests at heart.

So, is good ole Joe just being a useful idiot for the Venezuelan strongman?

From CITGO's website: "The company is owned by PDV America, Inc., an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A., the national oil company of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela."

The same Venezuela run by Hugo Chavez.

Think about that the next time you see turkeys filling up their cars at a CITGO gas station.

Say it ain't so, Joe. Say it ain't so.

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