Friday, December 18, 2009

Who Gives a Flying Crap About Tiger Woods?

There's a war in Afghanistan.
There's a war in Iraq.
Iran is going to get nuclear weapons.
North Korea HAS nuclear weapons.
The jobless rate is 10%.
KSM is having a CIVILIAN trial in NYC.
Navy SEALs are being prosecuted for doing their jobs.
The national debt is over $12 trillion dollars.
The federal government is perilously close to controlling one-sixth of the economy.
The president sees nothing wrong with robbing Peter to pay Paul, who's just sitting on his ass.
California is going bankrupt, New York will run out of money by the end of the year.
Guantanamo terrorists will be moved to the United States (Illinois?).
Manmade global warming zealots will saddle our grandchildren with an enormous debt.
There are tax cheats in the administration and in Congress.

So....I refer you to the above.

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